




Loch Achonachie Angling Club

........... and away !

All our waters are now closed as the 2024 trout & salmon season on our lochs and rivers has ended ...... and it's time to get your catch return ready and members will receive details this week of what they need to submit by 31 October.


Loch Achonachie Angling Club controls Salmon fishing on the Upper Conon and Upper Blackwater rivers in the Ross-shire Highlands and wild Brown Trout fishing on both of these rivers along with Loch Meig and Loch Achonachie.

Amongst our waters you can also find fine Sea Trout, Perch and Pike. Details of permit prices and membership costs are available here. The season in all our waters mainly extends from 1 April to 30 September inclusive for all species. Back in season 2020 we began opening our waters for renewed members' fly fishing for Brown Trout on 15 March running until the 6th October. The season for salmon on the Conon system starts 1 April and ends on 30 September.

The club has a membership of up to 300 anglers including some keen junior members in 2023 some of whom have enjoyed salmon fly fishing lessons over the past three years. Fishing is open from 1 April for visitors buying day tickets and it is still possible to join the club by completing the application form via email and paying by BACS or posting the form and paying by cheque. To join the club email

A full set of Club Rules can be downloaded by Clicking Here and are also available by email from

General safety information for anglers can also be downloaded by Clicking Here.

Disabled Access

The club makes some provision for the disabled, near the pontoons on Loch Meig and at the riverbank on North No. 1 beat of the Upper River Conon. There is reasonably easy access to fish in these designated areas.

Gift Vouchers

The club has available our own Gift Vouchers and we can arrange for suitable gifts for Christmas, birthdays and special occasions in any required sum or a gift membership subscription. These are available from


View our Instagram gallery below and discover all our lochs have to offer

About Us

Loch Achonachie Angling Club was formed in 1953 by local anglers, to administer the fishings on the Upper Conon, Loch Achonachie, Loch Meig and the Upper Blackwater, on behalf of the then Hydro Electric Board – now SSE.

In 1985, Hydro Electric decided to sell their fishings on the Conon and Blackwater rivers and the club was faced with the possible loss of access to the Upper Conon and Upper Blackwater salmon and trout fishing.

Starting with only £300.00 in the bank, the club set up a fund-raising committee. Through a number of innovative fund-raising schemes, together with grant aid from Ross and Cromarty Leisure Services, help from HIDB, and a sizeable monetary gift from Lochluichart Estate, the club were able to purchase the Upper Blackwater and Upper Conon Salmon and Trout fishing.

The fishing on Loch Achonachie and Loch Meig was retained by Hydro Electric and is let to the club.. Hydro Electric gifted the five wooden boats they owned on the two lochs to the club in 1991. In addition, the club has enjoyed trout fishing on Loch Beannachrain (Loch Scardroy) at the head of Strathconon, leased annually from the estate owners. However, new owners have just announced to us on 8 March 2924 without notice, a rewilding project in Strathconon from March 2024 which would seem to deny us our usual fishing on this loch in season 2024. We will be trying to bring about a change for future seasons.

Organisation of the Club

The club is formally constituted and an Executive Committee, which consists of the officers of the club and up to 12 other members, conducts the affairs of the club. The officers of the club consist of a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, and Treasurer. The immediate past Chairman is also an office bearer. All are elected annually at the AGM held in December and will have previously served on the Committee. The Executive Committee appoints the club Secretary.

The club has up to 3o0 ordinary and junior members and a number of life and honorary members. These members reside primarily in the locality e.g. Strathpeffer, Dingwall, Contin, Strathconon, Beauly, Black Isle, Fortrose, Inverness etc. but we do have members from as far away as Glasgow, Orkney, Aberdeenshire, Wolverhampton, London, Wales and Devon. Membership is growing at present and we always aim to increase the number of junior members over each season.

Download our Aims and Objectives document here

If people concentrated on the really important things in life, there'd be a shortage of fishing rods....